Thursday, April 15, 2010

i don't mean to be a debbie-downer. really i don't. but we officially have 6 weeks left as "the 1490." then we disperse. some far. most near. ok that's enough thinking about that. i'm thinking we should feature an official house tour to be permanently recorded in the interwebs for future reference....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

another encounter with the milledge bus

so as some of you may remember, Em always seems to have some trouble with that milledge bus. every so often emily can be seen sprinting (backpack and all) for the bus in the mornings. however, two roommates and the coltron had the privilege of witnessing an all-out, on-campus sprint for the milledge ave bus in front of joe brown.

made. my. day. watching. this.

oh and emily caught the bus before it took off!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

surprise sandwich

Great Story from Sunday:

So while Jacquelyn was at home and Tyler was running to the grocery store Katie, Emily, Rebecca and Sarah enjoyed their lunches on the beautiful picnic table on the porch. Each girl brought their own lunch to the table. This day one roommate decided to make herself a tuna melt once-faced sandwich. She started my loading each side of the bread with canned tuna, then added what she thought was sweet relish and provolone. Next she popped the sandwich in the oven to toast the bread and melt the cheese. After taking the first bite of her appetizing meal, she mentioned that the tuna was spicy. No one could figure out the reasoning behind it so she continued to eat. While eating the last bite of the first half, she made another comment about how spicy it was. After discussing what was on the sandwich, another roommate asked an important question: Are you sure you put sweet relish on the sandwich? She pondered the question and then went to the refrigerator to look in the jar. The three at the picnic table soon heard "I put... Jalapeno peppers on it! Dangit!"

Had to be one of the funniest lunches at the 1490.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

the weekend!

this hocita took pics of the weekend...

rebes, ty and que loading up on our sweet spread.

snowy carss
pancakes and bacon... quite possibly the best breakfast evah!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

snnnooow day!!

obviously, the snow has descended upon athens today! our friends chris and chris came to play in the snow for a bit with sweet scout (chris's presh dog) before we had a roommate date to see Valentine's Day. which was a splendid movie btw.

after a brief stop into Krogs for some candy and DC, we hit up Carmike. [shocker] i, sarah, got real cracked out before the movie started. there's just something about all of us going out together that puts me in a good mood. i can't help but be sassy and extra spunky. i wanted to ask a stranger to take a pic of all 6 of us in the theatre but the rooms shot that down. i still maintain it would have been presh and in 30 years we will have nothing but sweet memories of roommate date night.

tomorrow we're having valentine's brunch and there will most assuredly be pictures. so get excited blog followers.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

We got a picnic table!! yaaay! Sarah saw this sweet table in Agora a few weekends ago and impulsively bought it. [but in my defense, it was a great deal and i've been looking for an awesome picnic table for a year. and i can use it as my kitchen table next year].

There have been a few days where it's been warm enough to sit on the side porch and enjoy the table and milledge traffic, but not many. We can't wait until springtime when we can spend all the days eating and [studying] and talking on the side porch.

sorry we've been so lax in blogging lately. not much exciting has been going on over here.