-If you want to eat dinner you best be sittin at the 'gina table.
-If you have to use The Loo you can sit next to your bestie and pee side by side.
-If you are in your pajamas past eight a.m. watch out for the landlord Allen making a surprise entrance (when pjs on...side hug only).
- If you want to overhear conversations put your ear to the vent or just stand in Emily's bathroom.
- If you want to hear an English accent at an octave only a dog can hear, come to the 1490.
-If you want to live your college life vicariously through another person, Keri Russell is always on the tube for your own viewing enjoyment
-If you always crave Chick-Fil-A on Sundays, well we always have a full stocking of Chick-Fil-A sauce and trust me you can dip, marinate, or douce anything in Chick-Fil-A sauce.
-If you like to shower where the water runs brown-- that's right, that's right--come get clean...or dirty.
-If you want to get Nikko'd...aka visited by a large man at odd hours of the night... come be our roomie.
-If you want enough sass for a lifetime just talk to the divas (Brad Terrell).